Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 29, 2019

Parkview Chooses Kind
We continued our theme of Choose Kind while we observed World Down Syndrome Day and performed random acts of kindness in honor of our friend Gus! Thanks to the PTA, many parent volunteers, and Shaws for putting on a fantastic lunch buffet for our staff. Students in Ms. Murray's class wrote letters to staff members that have made them smile!

Iditarod Comes to an End
Ms. Ventre's class concluded their study of the Iditarod as the winter race saw this year's winner cross the finish line. One final activity had the students "racing" to get booties on their sled dogs! 

Soapy Science
Mrs. Feeney's class investigated what changes happen when you put a bar of soap in the microwave. They were amazed!

Community Meeting
We gathered together to celebrate another month together! We recognized our Pandas who have exemplified March's trait of HONESTY. We also discussed April's trait of COOPERATION and used this trait to review expectations to make recess a fun and successful part of our day. Mrs. Resca's class won the Box Top trophy this month. Our kindergarteners shared what they have been working on this month too!

Breakfast is Served
We will now be serving breakfast each day. Students can be dropped off at 8:45 if they would like to buy breakfast. Students riding on buses can also buy breakfast upon their arrival to school. All students will head to class at the normally scheduled time of 9:10.

Register Now for PMC Kids' Ride

Important Dates
April 9 - 1st and 2nd Grade Math Night - 6:30 - 7:30
April 15-19 - Spring Vacation - NO SCHOOL
April 24 - Spring Picture Day
April 24 - PTA Meeting - 6:30 pm
April 26 - PMC Rider Bag Pick-up - 3:45 - 7:00
April 27 - Easton PMC Kids' Ride - 9:00 am
April 28 - Easton Red Sox Outing - 1:05 pm

Sunday, March 17, 2019

March 15, 2019

Bears Take Over Parkview
Our first graders culminated their unit of study on bears this week! On Thursday night students shared their hard work with their families. On Friday, students traveled throughout the building completing a variety of bear themed centers and activities.

300 Days Smarter!
 Our second grade looping students celebrated their 300th day together as a learning community with Mrs. Feeney. They completed a menu of activities that all focused on the number 300!

March Artwork
Lions, rainbows, and shamrocks.....oh my!

More Precious Than Gold
Second grade students took a moment this week to write about something in their lives that is more precious than gold. These heartfelt ideas are truly special!

Science Buddies!
I had the pleasure of joining Ms. Wiese's class as they ventured to RO to meet with their fifth grade buddies. Together the students worked in the science lab to conduct an experiment focusing on erosion and landslides.


Book Fair Week!
The book fair is here and we are excited for a DINO-mite good time! Don't forget to come out on Tuesday night for Pajama Story Time with Mr. C. He'll start reading at 6:30 pm!

Upcoming Events
March 18-22 - DINO-mite Book Fair - Parkview Gym
March 19 - Pajama Story Time with Mr. C. @ the book fair - 6:30pm
March 21 - Early Release Day - 12:05 pm
March 21 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 22 - Early Release Day - 12:05 pm
March 22 - Parent/Teacher Cinferences