Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 7, 2018

Happy Friday! We have had an AMAZING week with so much going on! Check out all the great things our Pandas have been up to!

First Day of Kindergarten!
Our Kindergarteners began their school year this week with eagerness and excitement! New teachers, new friends, and new beginnings made for an excellent day!

Super Self Portraits!
The first week of school is a great time to create self-portraits! Various types of "portraits" were created by our Pandas this week!

Pirate Treasure Hunt
Mrs. Dever-David's class was visited by Patty the Pirate this week! She left them a treasure map that sent them on a hunt around the school! After carefully following the map, they located a treasure chest where X marked the spot! Upon opening their treasure they discovered all the supplies need to make friendship bracelets!

Pandas are Prepared for PE!
Despite this week's heat, Mr. White and his classes thoroughly enjoyed Physical Education! He began by discussing all the things to BE in PE including a good sport, helpful, kind, active, cooperative, and respectful!

Preschool Open House!
It was a pleasure welcoming our tiniest Pandas and their parents this week for Preschool Open House! Families enjoyed meeting teachers and new friends while exploring their new classrooms!

PAWS-itive Referrals!
This year we are recognizing students for being AWESOME through our PAWS-itive Referral program! Our first three students have shown themselves to be KIND and CARING Pandas! Way to go!! I look forward to highlighting our PAWS-ome students throughout the year!

Kindergarten's First Art Project!
Kindergarteners in Mrs. Cordeira's and Mrs. Dever-David's classes worked with our new Art teacher, Ms. Johnson to create these masterpieces!

Number Corners Around the Building!
As we kick off math, I found many classes using the Bridges program's Number Corner to introduce math skills, concepts, vocabulary, and calendar skills. What a great way to share our math thinking each day!

Preschoolers First Day!
Our Preschool Pandas enjoyed their first school experience this week! Everyone had a great day!

Grade 2 Math Centers!
Second graders worked on patterns, graphing, symmetry, and more this week as they worked through various math centers!

Staying Cool in the HEAT!
Getting creative was the theme of the week during our September Heat Wave! Some students gathered in front of a fan or outside under a shady tree to complete their work. Ms. Wiese's class retreated to my office where I read them a few stories while they cooled off! Best of all, what do you do when it's in the nineties? Turn it into a science experiment!! Mrs. Capobianco's class hypothesized what would freeze faster....water or orange juice? Once the experiment was complete, what was left to do but enjoy the "icy" fruits of their labor! A big thanks to everyone for persevering through our HOT week!

Grade 1 Get Acquainted Night!
It was a pleasure welcoming first grade parents to Parkview on Thursday evening. Everyone enjoyed seeing their child's classroom, meeting with teachers and staff, as well as seeing the great student work that has already been produced!

Hopes and Dreams in Grade 2!
Mrs. Capobianco's students began the year by documenting their hopes and dreams for second grade! Keep up the hard work and shoot for the stars boys and girls! I know you can do it!

Lunchtime Love Notes !
While perusing the cafeteria this week I have found several students with big smiles on their faces because of the notes packed inside their lunches! Thanks to the parents who Choose Kind and keep our Pandas smiling while the're here!

AWESOME News from Donors Choose!
Mrs. Hanegan and her class were pleasantly surprised this week when one of her projects from Donors Choose was fully funded and arrived at school! Donors Choose is a great way to support teachers! Mrs. Hanegan has a few other projects posted that are on their way to being funded. Click here if you'd like to support these projects!

Choose Kind in Full Swing!
After just one week, the amount of KINDNESS throughout the building is astonishing! Keep it up Pandas! You make me proud!

Clip, Clip, Clip Those Box Tops!
This year's first Box Tops collection sheet has been sent home with each child. The Box Tops program is a great way to make money for our school! Each box top is worth 10 cents and Parkview annually makes up to $3,000 with your support! Here are some program reminders:
-Clips box tops from participating products
-Be sure that box tops are not expired
-Fill the take-home sheet and be sure to write your child's name and teacher's name.
-You can also send box tops in a sandwich bag with your child's name and teacher's name on it.
-The classroom with the most box tops each month will receive the Box Top Trophy at our Community Meeting.
-If we can reach 7,000 box tops as a school by November 21, we will earn a schoolwide Pajama Day!

Kindergarten Artists!
Kindergarten students completed some crafty projects this week! Mrs. Izzo's class worked on their fine motor skills as they ripped and glued paper to spell their names. Mrs. Cordeira's class observed, sketched, and painted sunflowers from our garden. Mrs. Hanegan's class created some great school buses!

Upcoming Events
September 13 - Grade 2 Get Acquainted Night - 6:30-7:30
September 14 - International Dot Day
September 19 - International Talk Like A Pirate Day
September 26 - PTA Meeting - 6:30 - Parkview Cafeteria
**DATE CHANGE** October 19 - Picture Day

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